Movie News : Mollywood Megastar Mammootty’s latest action drama, Turbo, had hype built up around it before release and it was panned by critics. Nonetheless, the movie was able to gross Rs. 70 crores during its whole run according to BOI. Jointly produced by Tommichan and Alex Cyriac, the movie has been directed by Vysakh who had given movies like Pulimurugan and Pokkiri Raja to Malayalam cinema. But fans were shocked when Turbo began streaming digitally sooner than anticipated.
The film is now available for streaming on sony LIV in many languages like Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Bengali and Marathi. In Turbo, there is a powerful team: a critically acclaimed Raj B Shetty for the role of a villain, and a beloved Telugu comedian Sunil in an important role. Other major players comprise Anjana Jayaprakash, Sabareesh Varma, Dileesh Pothan, and Bindu Panicker. The movie was produced under the banner of home production mammootty kampany by the actor Mammootty itself.