Andhra Pradesh latest news : Chief Minister Chandrababu has ordered the officials to plant trees in Andhra Pradesh and increase the forest wealth. The CM asked Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan to take responsibility for the sapling programme.
Chandrababu’s meeting with District Collectors, SPs and officials in AP Secretariat is continuing. On this occasion, the officials of agriculture, aqua, fisheries, horticulture and forest departments explained to the CM the programs to be undertaken in the next hundred days. In the program, the officials gave a presentation to the CM on the agriculture sector.
Chief Minister Chandrababu said on this occasion, “A large-scale plantation program should be undertaken in AP. The officials should undertake a program of planting 5 to 10 lakh saplings at a time. Deputy CM and Forest Minister Pawan Kalyan should take responsibility for this. We have also undertaken a large-scale plantation program in Hyderabad in the united Andhra Pradesh. Let’s all go picnicking in the weather.
If food habits are changing, production habits should also be changed. We are moving towards nature agriculture with 20 lakh farmers in 20 lakh hectares. High protein paddy is in demand in the market. Authorities should act keeping this in mind. Soil tests should be done everywhere. Technology should be used in every field. It is not known what the condition of fiber net is due to the policies of the previous government. There is no clarity about the location of the CCTV cameras,” he said.