Andhra Pradesh latest news : The CM has given full clarity to the officials as to what the government’s priorities are. Without digging too much into the past, he clarified how to forget the mistakes and move forward according to the aspirations of the people. He concluded that the government is giving more priority to the officers who work well, but if someone makes mistakes, there is nothing to ignore.
Chandrababu clarified that after YCP came to power in 2019, the then CM Jagan held the first collector’s conference in Prajavedi and started his administration with destruction by ordering the demolition of the building.
The CM suggested that he would not tell the officials to do wrong, but to give high priority to solving the problems brought to the attention of the officials by the people’s representatives. He warned that actions will be taken if they show laxity in the performance of their duties. He said that although there are many good officers who can create miracles, the previous government failed to utilize their services. In a way, CM Chandrababu gave a sweet warning to the top officials in the first conference itself.
Without mentioning Jagan’s name..
Chandrababu Naidu said that without mentioning the name of former CM Jagan in the collectors’ conference, his behavior should be understood by the officials. Chandrababu directed that all the MLAs should be accountable to the people and should be available to the people, and the officers should also be available to the people and public representatives. He said that if you look at the results of the recent elections, you will understand what will happen if you act like a dictator with an arrogant attitude. He said that the government was formed by giving a mandate to the people. After five years, they will go to the people again and ask for their votes. If they get their votes, they will come into the government again. Chandrababu reminded that all the former ministers lost the elections because the previous government acted as a dictator and only one won and came to the assembly. With this, CM Chandrababu gave a message on how officers should be.
Ownership should be taken.. Credit only
Chandrababu gave clarity in the collector’s conference on how officials should deal with public representatives. He said that there are leaders in the people.. Public opinion should be sought every five years. If any people’s representatives bring the problems to the attention of the authorities, they should be solved immediately.. the credit should be given to the leader.. the authorities should consider the problem as their own problem.. and show a quick solution. In the opening lecture of the first conference, Chandrababu explained how officers should be.