In a momentous achievement for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the maiden X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat) was successfully launched on the first day of 2024. Riding atop the dependable Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) in the C58 mission, XPoSat now gracefully orbits at a precise 650 Km Low Earth Orbit, embarking on a scientific journey from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.
Mission Objectives: The primary aim of the PSLV-C58 XPoSat mission is to delve into the intricacies of polarisation in intense X-ray sources within the cosmos. Representing ISRO’s inaugural scientific satellite dedicated to space-based polarimetry measurements of X-Ray emissions, XPoSat plays a pivotal role in deciphering the radiation mechanisms and geometries of celestial entities.
Payload Overview: At the heart of the mission lies the primary payload, POLIX (Polarimeter Instrument in X-Rays), meticulously crafted by the Raman Research Institute. POLIX is designed to measure polarimetry parameters critical for understanding celestial phenomena. Alongside, XSPECT (X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing), engineered by the UR Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru, focuses on extensive spectral and temporal studies of cosmic X-ray sources.
ISRO Chairman’s Remarks: Radiating pride and enthusiasm, ISRO Chairman S Somanath declared, “On January 1, 2024, yet another successful mission of PSLV has been accomplished. PSLV-C58 has placed the primary satellite XPoSat in the desired orbit.” He underscored the exceptional orbital conditions and celebrated the seamless deployment of XPoSat’s solar panel.
Embarking on the PSLV-C58 mission, ISRO’s XPoSat unfolds a new chapter in space exploration, employing cutting-edge X-ray polarimetry technology. This scientific venture aims to delve into the cosmic unknowns, deciphering the polarization of intense X-ray sources. The XPoSat mission stands as a testament to ISRO’s commitment to advancing space research, shedding light on celestial phenomena and broadening our understanding of the universe. With a focus on unraveling the intricacies of X-ray emissions, XPoSat contributes significantly to humanity’s quest for unraveling the mysteries that lie beyond our celestial boundaries.
Conclusion: With an anticipated mission life of approximately five years, XPoSat assumes the mantle of a trailblazer, poised to unravel the mysteries shrouding celestial X-ray emissions. This marks a significant stride forward in ISRO’s scientific endeavors, contributing to humanity’s deeper understanding of the cosmos.