Andhra Pradesh latest news : AP CM Chandrababu said that everyone has lost due to the five-year destructive rule of the previous government. He said that it is necessary for all officers to move forward according to the goals.
The CM spoke at the District Collector’s Conference held at the Velagapudi Secretariat.
“The decisions we take can change systems. Good decisions will benefit future generations. If we all work hard we will be number one in the world by 2047. The history of this collectors conference is going to be rewritten. The CM of that day held a conference of collectors in Prajavedi and demolished it. The officials working with the destruction were sidelined.. and blackmailed. The regime of the last five years has gone on to damage the brand AP. Andhra officers were once held in high esteem in Delhi. Chandrababu said, “Now they have brought a situation where there is a sense of apathy.”