Andhra Pradesh latest news : CM Chandrababu said that Andhra Pradesh has been made the destination for investments between 2014-19. Attracted large scale investments..
He said that MOUs have been signed for Rs.16 lakh crore. He said that the industrial works have started with Rs.5 lakh crores. He released a white paper in the Legislative Assembly on the financial irregularities during YSRCP’s regime. Speaking on this occasion, the CM explained the financial situation of the state from the division of the state to YSRCP rule.
“There were a lot of problems when the partition happened. In the past, there were situations where pensions were also not coming. Urban areas are very less in the state. Due to this, the income is coming less. In united Andhra Pradesh, AP got 46 percent and Telangana got 54 percent. Companies and assets are located in Hyderabad. Schedule 9 and 10 of the Redistribution Act remain unresolved. If the services sector develops, the state will develop. If the service sector went to Telangana, agriculture came to AP. A converging factor is that the state has a long coastline.
If developed, AP will also progress on par with Telangana. If Polavaram is completed, every acre will be irrigated. We have completed the Pattiseema project by spending Rs.1667 crores. Completion of Pattiseema has generated an income of Rs.44 thousand crores. As I know, even Pattiseema was not managed properly during YSRCP’s rule. We have developed Vijayawada, Rajamahendravaram, Tirupati and Kadapa airports. We have given skill training to 8 lakh people in the state. We have developed Visakha-Chennai and Chennai-Bangalore industrial corridors. Despite all the difficulties, we spent 34 percent of the budget on welfare in the past. We have allocated Rs.11,762 crore for the Polavaram project. Had TDP continued in power, Polavaram would have been completed by 2021,” explained Chandrababu.