Andhra Pradesh latest news : A person from Nallaboinapalli panchayat of Battalapalli mandal is working as a software employee in Bangalore. With the job card 050145 in the village, it was recorded in the records that the work was done under guarantee and thousands of rupees were drawn.
Another person from the same village is a software engineer in Bangalore. 50193 showed that he had done employment with the job card and billed thousands of rupees. Another is working in a software company in Bangalore. 050185 A large amount of bills were stolen by showing that he had attended employment work in the village on the job card. Musters were created in the name of those who were not in the village and paid money.
The Employment Guarantee Scheme is pouring money into the elderly. While the poor are earning wages…some elders are sitting at home and getting more than that from the employment guarantee scheme. Musters were made in the name of software employees in Nallaboinapalli panchayat of Battalapalli mandal and looted of lakhs of rupees. Those working in Bengaluru have created records of attending employment work in the village.
Works were sanctioned in their name and bills ranging from Rs.50 thousand to Rs.1 lakh were drawn in each name. It seems that Rs.70 lakh to Rs.80 lakh has gone by the wayside in five years in Cherlopalli. There are allegations of irregularities in the eyes of the field assistants.