As of now, Sandalwood’s top director Prashanth Neel is occupied with the pre-shoot preparation for Prabhas “Salaar “, which features Shruti Haasan. Rising through this, there is much enthusiasm over speculated series with Kollywood cover Ajith Kumar, which has gone viral online.
It is also reported that Neel recently made a decision to act as the director for two movies with Ajith Kumar. While the first one is described as a hard-core action drama, the other may set the stage for *KGF 3* starring the Rocking Star Yash. Anticipated to begin in 2025 and come to the theaters in 2026, this is the first film in this explosive partnership.
Ajith’s fans are excited and they wish that these rumours are true because, their favorite star could be part of the prestigious Prashanth Neel Cinematic Universe. Indeed, preparatory expectations are already buzzing as people await official statements.