A series produced by Zee 5 named “Bahishkarana” has gained a lot attention of the audience. Anjali is the heroine of this period drama social film, which is made under the direction of Mukesh Prajapathi.
In the success meet organized in Hyderabad, Anjali freely exclaimed that she wants to do more bold and intense roles in her future films.
“I have become tired of doing those usual characters for normal teleseries/serials, as through my OTT projects, I have learned to act for negative roles, and they have also provided me with a certain level of satisfaction as an actress,” she said.
She further said that filming scenes that are daring in “Bahishkarana” awoke her and had a close impact on her. Now that she is aware of such tough roles she is eager to undertake more such roles.
Other actors who also performed in this series were Ravindra Vijay and Sritej and this series consisted of six episodes.