Renowned filmmaker SS Rajamouli has recently unveiled an exciting project for all Baahubali fans – an animated web series titled Baahubali: Crown of Blood. This much-anticipated series, set in the illustrious Baahubali universe, is slated to premiere on Disney Plus Hotstar on May 17.
Accompanying the announcement of the release date was the launch of the series trailer, offering a glimpse into the thrilling narrative that lies ahead. Unlike the movies, which focused on the aftermath of Bhallaladeva’s treachery, this series delves into the events preceding it, showcasing the kingdom’s formidable foe, Raktadeva.
Ratkadeva, a formidable adversary, poses a significant threat to the kingdom of Mahishmati, having vanquished numerous realms before setting his sights on it. The series chronicles the valiant efforts of Baahubali and Bhallaladeva as they join forces to defend their homeland against Raktadeva’s onslaught.
Moreover, the trailer hints at intriguing plot twists, including the unexpected betrayal of Katappa, who is portrayed as the general of Raktadeva’s army. With its captivating storyline and stellar production team led by Rajamouli and Sharad Devarajan, Baahubali: Crown of Blood promises to captivate audiences and set new benchmarks in the Indian OTT landscape.