Gopichand, the formidable actor known for his macho roles, is eagerly anticipating the release of his upcoming film “Bhimaa.” Directed by the renowned Sandalwood filmmaker A Harsha, the movie is slated to hit theaters on February 16, 2024. Adding to the excitement, the film stars Priya Bhavani Shankar and Malvika Sharma as the female leads, promising a power-packed performance.
In a noteworthy development, “Bhimaa” has successfully secured both its digital and satellite partnerships. Disney Plus Hotstar has acquired the OTT rights, ensuring the film’s availability on their streaming platform, while Star Maa has obtained the television rights for its broadcast. These partnerships signify the anticipation and confidence in the film’s potential.
Produced by KK Radhamohan under the prestigious banner of Sri Sathya Sai Arts, “Bhimaa” not only brings together a talented cast but also boasts a captivating musical score composed by Ravi Basrur. The film is poised to unfold as a compelling police drama, promising a riveting cinematic experience.
As the release date approaches, fans and audiences can look forward to more announcements and updates about “Bhimaa,” building anticipation for what seems to be a noteworthy addition to the realm of gripping and action-packed cinema. Stay tuned for further details on this much-anticipated film.