Director Bommarillu Baskar, known for his previous hit ‘Most Eligible Bachelor,’ has embarked on his next cinematic journey after a two-year hiatus. The upcoming film, yet to be titled but designated as ‘SVCC37,’ stars Siddhu Jonnalagadda as the male lead and introduces Baby fame Vaishnavi Chaitanya as the female protagonist. As a special tribute to Vaishnavi Chaitanya on her birthday, the filmmakers have unveiled her captivating first look poster, portraying her in an elegant black ensemble.
We wish our talented and beautiful leading lady @iamvaishnavi04, a very happy birthday!
Can't wait for the world to see your magic in #SVCC37!
Star boy #SiddhuJonnalagadda@baskifilmz @SVCCofficial
— SVCC (@SVCCofficial) January 4, 2024
The poster, with the accompanying caption, “Get ready to witness the stunning performance she’s going to deliver soon!”, generates anticipation about Vaishnavi’s role and the overall narrative. From the initial glimpse, it hints at Vaishnavi portraying a Muslim girl, adding an intriguing layer to the storyline.
Produced by BVSN Prasad under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra, the film is set to be another creative venture by Bommarillu Baskar. While the details about the remaining cast and crew are yet to be disclosed, the first look poster suggests an aesthetically pleasing and compelling performance from Vaishnavi Chaitanya, further building excitement for this upcoming cinematic offering.