Sailesh Kolanu is actively promoting his upcoming film, “Saindhav,” starring Victory Venkatesh in the lead role. Several months ago, speculations were suggesting that Sailesh directed certain sequences for Ram Charan’s film, “Game Changer.”
In a recent interview, Sailesh clarified this matter, stating, “For any film, there are specific B-roll shots that don’t include the main artists, such as vehicle passing shots. Generally, Shankar sir doesn’t delegate directing those shots to others. However, there was an instance where sir was unable to be present at the location, and he felt only an experienced director should handle those shots.”
Sailesh continued, “Dil Raju sir contacted me and asked if I could direct those shots. Consequently, I worked for a day or two as Shankar sir wasn’t available. I didn’t direct any sequences in ‘Game Changer.’ Dil Raju sir is like family to me. The shots I directed served as fillers. In fact, for my own films, I delegate such shots to my assistants. It surprised me when Shankar sir specified that an experienced director should take on the task.”
Expressing his admiration for Ram Charan and his fondness for Shankar sir’s films, Sailesh mentioned, “I completed the task assigned by Dil Raju sir out of respect. I am not acquainted with the storyline of ‘Game Changer.’ I don’t know what the film is about. I extend my best wishes for the success of ‘Game Changer,’ and I hope Shankar sir delivers something exceptional.