Gopichand, renowned for his dynamic screen presence, is set to captivate audiences once again in the upcoming police action drama, ‘Bhimaa.’ Collaborating with Kannada director Harsha, the film introduces Priya Bhavani Shankar and Malvika Sharma as the female leads.
The recently revealed teaser provides a glimpse into Gopichand’s portrayal as a formidable cop engaged in a face-off against powerful adversaries. While maintaining an air of secrecy around the plot, the teaser hints at a narrative centered around a village temple, promising an engaging storyline. ‘Bhimaa’ is scheduled to make its theatrical debut on February 16, 2024.
Produced under the banner of Sri Sathya Sai Arts by KK Radhamohan, the film promises an enriching cinematic experience with a musical score by Ravi Basrur. Stay tuned for forthcoming announcements and updates about this intriguing police drama, set to enthrall audiences with its intense narrative and stellar performances.