Guntur Kaaram & Captain Miller clash: This Sankranthi, amidst the clash of several new films, Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram stands out as the only superstar film. Alongside it, we have contenders like Saindhav, Hanuman, and Naa Saami Ranga in the lineup, accompanied by a flurry of dubbed films, including Dhanush’s Captain Miller.
The recently unveiled trailer for Captain Miller showcases top-notch production values, featuring slick visuals, a compelling background score, and impactful action shots. Despite not fitting the typical Sankranthi film mold, it promises to be an engaging mass actioner.
Notably, Dhanush has been steadily building a strong market in Telugu, evident from the success of his previous film, Sir. With Captain Miller releasing alongside Guntur Kaaram on the locked theatrical date of January 12th, the same day as Mahesh’s film, the film’s impressive trailer bodes well for its reception.
However, there’s a logistical challenge as reports suggest that Captain Miller may not release in Telugu on the same day as the Tamil version due to limited availability of theaters in Telugu states. Despite this, the makers are pushing for a simultaneous release in both languages, making Captain Miller a compelling choice for a section of the audience this Sankranthi.