Teja Sajja’s superhero venture, “HanuMan,” has taken the box office by storm, achieving an impressive start under the directorial helm of Prasanth Varma. The film’s exclusive premieres held recently garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews, with particular acclaim directed towards the gripping climax sequence. What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that “HanuMan” lacks the presence of major star power, yet it managed to collect a staggering $400K from its USA premieres, and there are still reports pending from a few locations. This exceptional performance defies expectations, showcasing the movie’s widespread appeal and drawing audiences in significant numbers.
Initial estimates for pre-sales were around $150K, but the film surpassed this figure, thanks to substantial walk-in audiences. The buzz around the film’s thrilling narrative and Teja Sajja’s superhero portrayal has evidently resonated well with moviegoers, resulting in this sensational box office feat. Produced by Niranjan Reddy under the banner of Prime Show Entertainment, “HanuMan” boasts a stellar ensemble cast featuring Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Getup Sreenu, and Satya, with Vinay Rai essaying the role of the antagonist.
As the film continues its theatrical run, the positive word-of-mouth and audience enthusiasm are expected to propel “HanuMan” to greater heights. The success of the movie not only underscores the appeal of superhero genres but also highlights the effective storytelling and execution by director Prasanth Varma. With the stage set for continued success, “HanuMan” is poised to leave a lasting impact on the box office and further solidify Teja Sajja’s standing in the film industry.