The anticipation of Telugu audiences to witness Janhvi Kapoor in Tollywood is set to be fulfilled with the film “Devara,” where she is currently shooting alongside NTR. Adding to the excitement, Janhvi Kapoor has also signed on for Ram Charan’s upcoming project, RC16, directed by Buchi Babu Sana of “Uppena” fame. Putting an end to speculations about the lead heroine, it’s confirmed that Janhvi Kapoor will play the female lead in this village drama set in Uttarandhra.
Buchi Babu Sana impressed Janhvi Kapoor with the script, and she eagerly agreed to be part of RC16. Dismissing earlier rumors, there is no truth to the speculation about Samantha or Rasha Thadani being considered for the lead role. Janhvi Kapoor is poised to showcase her talent alongside two Telugu superstars in consecutive films, marking her presence in the Telugu film industry.
In addition, the film has secured AR Rahman as the composer, with the legendary musician already contributing a couple of tunes in the ongoing music sittings.