Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, recognized for his unconventional script choices, takes center stage in the period action drama “Devil,” produced and directed by Abhishek Nama. Playing the role of a British spy agent, Kalyan Ram stars alongside the enchanting Samyukta Menon.
Prime Video, the film’s digital partner, has announced the exclusive global streaming premiere of “Devil.” Starting January 14, the film will be available for streaming exclusively in India and across 240 countries and territories worldwide, initially in Telugu and Tamil, with Malayalam and Kannada dubs to follow.
Set in 1945, the plot follows Agent Devil (Kalyan Ram), a British secret agent tasked with solving a murder in an influential Zamindar’s family. As his investigation progresses, Devil is assigned another mission by the British General—to identify and capture a mole leaking crucial information to the INA Chief.
The narrative unfolds a complex web of mysteries, deceit, betrayal, and love, with Devil’s mission holding the potential to reshape history. The film also features Malvika Nair, Ajay, Satya, Edward Sonnenblick, Elnaaz Norouzi, Srikanth Iyengar, and Seetha in pivotal roles, accompanied by Harshavardhan Rameshwar’s musical compositions.