Critically acclaimed romantic drama “Lingoccha,” which garnered attention with performances by Karthik Rathnam and Supyardee Singh, is set to make its digital debut on the Aha streaming platform. After its initial theatrical release in October 2023, the movie is poised to reach a wider audience on January 13, 2024.
Despite facing challenges in captivating theater audiences, the film offers a compelling narrative enriched by the talents of Balveer Singh, Kunal Kaushik, Thaguboth Ramesh, Uttej, and others. Directed by Anada Bada and produced by Yadagiri Raju, “Lingoccha” promises an engaging experience, exploring the intricacies of romance and human relationships. Dive into the world of “Lingoccha” as it unfolds its unique storytelling on the Aha platform.