KGF Actor Yash hurriedly traveled to Hubballi in Karnataka to meet the grieving family of three fans who tragically died of electrocution while attempting to set up a birthday banner for the actor. The fans, eager to celebrate Yash’s birthday, planned to install a cutout in Ambedkar Nagar during the night. Unfortunately, while putting up the banner, it accidentally made contact with an electric wire, leading to the electrocution of three individuals, who lost their lives instantly. Three others sustained injuries during the incident.
Superintendent of Police, Babasasheb Nemogouda, provided details about the unfortunate occurrence, stating, “While putting up the banner, three of them were electrocuted and three were injured. The banner had a metal frame that was in touch with a HESCOM wire. A case has been registered at Lakshmeshwar Police Station. We will investigate this.”
In terms of Yash’s upcoming projects, he is set to feature in a film titled “Toxic – A Fairy Tale for Grown Ups.” Directed by Geetu Mohandas and produced by Venkat K Narayana, the movie is scheduled for release on April 10, 2025.
Yash gained prominence through the KGF franchise, making history as the highest-grossing Kannada language film. His acting journey commenced in 2007 with “Jambada Hudugi,” and he went on to star in various films like “Raja Huli,” “Gajakesari,” “Ramachari,” “Masterpiece,” and “Santhu Straight Forward,” among others.
The actor visit to Hubballi reflects his sincere concern and empathy for the families affected by the tragic incident.