Prashanth Varma, riding high on success, gears up for the release of his latest film, “Hanu Man,” scheduled to hit the screens on January 12, 2024. Amidst vigorous promotions, speculation arises about Varma’s next project, with rumors suggesting he will direct Balakrishna.
When questioned about the possibility, Prashanth Varma confirmed that he has shared the basic storyline with Balakrishna, who expressed his approval. The director eagerly awaits the star’s call for a final narration, signaling the initiation of the project. Prashanth hints at exploring a genre never attempted before in Indian cinema, adding an intriguing dimension to the anticipation.
While the details about the project remain to be unveiled, Balakrishna is currently occupied with his ongoing film under the direction of Bobby. Fans eagerly await further developments in Prashanth Varma’s promising career and the unique cinematic venture he envisions with Balakrishna.