Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar penned sweet notes for each other on the occasion of their anniversary. Actor Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar are celebrating their 19th wedding anniversary on Saturday. The couple took to their respective social media handles and penned sweet notes for each other alongside beautiful pictures.
South star Mahesh Babu recently shared a sweet marriage anniversary post for wife Namrata Shirodkar on Instagram. Sharing a throwback photo where Namrata could be seen planting a kiss on Mahesh’s cheek, Mahesh wrote, “Here’s to us: partners in love, laughter, and all of life’s beautiful moments! Happy anniversary NSG.”
Namrata shared a brief clip of two puppies cuddling. She wrote, “Pure love. Happy anniversary MB!!.” She also posted a black-and-white photo of herself and Mahesh cuddling. In the picture, Namrata smiled while Mahesh covered his mouth with his hand as they lay next to each other. Sharing it, she captioned the pots, “Celebrating another year of love, laughter, and happily-ever-afters with you… My forever and always @urstrulymahesh.”