The Telangana government has given the green signal for Mahesh Babu’s movie ‘Guntur Karam’ to increase ticket prices during its first week in theaters. In multiplexes, the ticket cost can be raised by Rs. 100, and for single theaters, the increase is allowed up to Rs. 65. Additionally, the government has permitted benefit shows and early-morning screenings at 4 am for the film’s first week, creating excitement among fans.
Dil Raju, a renowned producer, holds the distribution rights for the Nizam area for ‘Guntur Karam.’ This film, a collaboration between Mahesh Babu and Trivikram Srinivas, has been generating buzz. Initially, the pre-release ceremony was scheduled for January 6 in Hyderabad, but it faced cancellation due to permission issues from the police. However, a new ceremony is now set to take place on January 9 near Guntur in Andhra Pradesh.
Earlier, Mahesh Babu’s fans were uncertain about whether the Telangana government would allow benefit shows for the film. Today, the government issued a Government Order (GO) stating that ticket prices can be increased for the first week of ‘Guntur Karam.’ The aim is to allow a Rs. 100 increase in multiplexes and a Rs. 65 increase in single theaters. The GO also notes that additional screenings, starting from 4 am, are permitted in all theaters showing the movie but only during its initial week of release.
This decision brings relief and excitement to fans eagerly anticipating the release of ‘Guntur Karam.’ With the government’s approval, the film can enjoy added screenings and a slight increase in ticket prices, setting the stage for an eventful first week at the theaters.