The Telugu film industry is abuzz with excitement as the much-anticipated film “NaaSaamiRanga” gears up for its release. Apart from generating curiosity for its intriguing storyline and stellar cast, the film is making headlines for its impressive pre-release business. The makers have strategically planned the distribution and sales across various regions, aiming to make a mark not only in the domestic market but also on the global stage.
Pre-Release Business Breakdown:
The pre-release business details of “NaaSaamiRanga” reveal a well-thought-out strategy, with a focus on key territories. Let’s delve into the regional and global distribution plans:
#NaaSaamiRanga WW Pre Release Business
👉Nizam: 5Cr
👉Ceeded: 2.2Cr
👉Andhra: 8Cr
AP-TG Total:- 15.30CR
👉KA+ROI: 1Cr
👉OS – 2Cr
Total WW: 18.20CR(BREAK EVEN – 19CR+)— T2BLive.COM (@T2BLive) January 10, 2024
1. Nizam: 5 Crores
The film’s pre-release business in the Nizam region has been pegged at an impressive 5 Crores. This showcases the confidence distributors have in the movie’s potential to perform well in the bustling Nizam territory.
2. Ceeded: 2.2 Crores
With a substantial pre-release business of 2.2 Crores in the Ceeded region, “NaaSaamiRanga” is poised to capture the hearts of audiences in this crucial area, known for its significant contribution to box office collections.
3. Andhra: 8 Crores
The Andhra region, often considered a stronghold for Telugu cinema, has witnessed a pre-release business of 8 Crores for “NaaSaamiRanga.” This significant investment reflects the filmmakers’ confidence in the film’s appeal to the Andhra audience.
4. AP-TG Total: 15.30 Crores
Combining the pre-release business figures from Nizam, Ceeded, and Andhra, the Andhra Pradesh-Telangana (AP-TG) total stands at an impressive 15.30 Crores. This cumulative total indicates a strong regional backing for the film.
5. KA+ROI: 1 Crore
The film’s reach extends beyond Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, with a pre-release business of 1 Crore in the Karnataka and Rest of India (KA+ROI) region. This showcases the filmmakers’ ambition to cater to a wider audience.
6. OS – 2 Crores
The overseas market is a crucial component of a film’s success in the global arena. “NaaSaamiRanga” has secured a pre-release business of 2 Crores in the overseas market, highlighting its potential to resonate with international audiences.
7. Total WW: 18.20 Crores
With a combined pre-release business of 18.20 Crores from domestic and international markets, “NaaSaamiRanga” is well-positioned to make a significant impact globally.
Challenges and Break-Even:
While the pre-release business figures for “NaaSaamiRanga” are impressive, the filmmakers aim to break even at 19 Crores or above. This underscores the competitive nature of the industry and the challenges in achieving profitability, even with substantial pre-release investments.
“NaaSaamiRanga” appears to be on the right track, strategically planning its pre-release business to maximize its reach and impact. As the film hits the screens, all eyes will be on its performance at the box office, with hopes high for it to emerge as a blockbuster. The pre-release business success sets the stage for what promises to be an exciting journey for “NaaSaamiRanga” in the world of Telugu cinema.