Naga Chaitanya has collaborated with director Chandoo Mondeti of “Karthikeya 2” fame for a film titled “Thandel” where the talented and versatile performer Sai Pallavi takes on the role of the female lead, makers teases fans with first Thandel glimpse.
The recent release of the first look poster featuring Chaitanya garnered an exceptional response from audiences across the board. Building on this excitement, the team has announced the unveiling of the “Essence of Thandel” on January 5th at 5 PM. Fans are eagerly anticipating this reveal to get a glimpse into the essence of the upcoming film.
There is a riveting story from the captivating world of the coast, waiting to be told 🌊#EssenceofThandel out on January 5th at 5:00 PM ❤️🔥#Thandel #Dhullakotteyala 🔥
Yuvasamrat @chay_akkineni @Sai_Pallavi92 @chandoomondeti @GeethaArts @ThisIsDSP #AlluAravind #BunnyVas— Thandel (@ThandelTheMovie) January 2, 2024
Produced by Bunny Vas under GA2 Pictures, with ace producer Allu Arvind as the presenter, “Thandel” stands out as the most expensive project in Naga Chaitanya’s career. Renowned music composer Rock Star Devi Sri Prasad is crafting the tunes for the film, adding to the anticipation surrounding this promising collaboration. Stay tuned for the unveiling of the “Essence of Thandel” to unravel the mystery surrounding this much-anticipated cinematic venture.