Nagarjuna, the seasoned actor of the Telugu film industry, is currently engrossed in the promotional activities of his recent venture, “Naa Saami Ranga,” skillfully directed by debutant filmmaker Vijay Binni. The actor, known for his diverse roles, is set to embark on another cinematic journey with an exciting project helmed by acclaimed director Shekhar Kammula. This forthcoming film stars the talented Tamil actor Dhanush in the lead role, adding an extra layer of anticipation among cinephiles.
In a recent interview, Nagarjuna shared that the much-anticipated shooting for the Dhanush-starrer is slated to commence on the 25th of this month. Teasing fans with hints of portraying a character brimming with eccentricity, Nagarjuna’s revelation has ignited curiosity about the unique narrative and engaging elements that Shekhar Kammula will infuse into the film. As excitement builds up, Akkineni fans eagerly await the unveiling of this cinematic collaboration between Nagarjuna and Shekhar Kammula, anticipating a blend of compelling storytelling and stellar performances.