Telugu Movie News : Natural Star Nani and talented director Vivek Athreya have teamed up once again for the action thriller Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. This film is particularly noteworthy as it features one of the country’s most versatile actors, SJ Suryah. The birthday teaser released for SJ Suryah a few days ago caught a lot of attention, and now the theatrical trailer has raised expectations even higher.
The trailer has many highlights, but what stands out the most is Nani’s unique character, which seems to be a mix of Yama and Chitragupta’s traits. This fresh portrayal is sure to be the film’s main attraction. Nani, who is often seen in boy-next-door roles, made a dramatic shift with Dasara, where he played a raw and rugged character. In Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, he takes this intensity to a whole new level, and the trailer clearly shows that.
SJ Suryah is in top form and the expectations are high to see him competing with Nani will be the most crucial factor that attracts the audience. The trailer of this film has been directed by Vivek Athreya and he has tried to present many moments of thrill and excitement in the trailer that is presented in the context of the movie. Still, the background score by Jakes Bejoy, is even more effective, which gives an electrifying feel to the trailer.
The film is set to release on August 29th, and with the high production values by DVV Danayya, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram looks like a big-scale project. Priyanka Mohan appears to play an important role in the story, aside from being the lead’s love interest. Sai Kumar also has a key role. Will Nani deliver his biggest hit with this film We’ll have to wait and see.