Lady Superstar Nayanthara’s 75th film, “Annapoorani,” faced hurdles upon its recent Netflix release. Criticism from former Shiva Sena leader Ramesh Solanki, who labeled it as Anti-Hindu, led to an FIR against the filmmakers.
In a recent development, Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Shriraj Nair also denounced the film for derogatory remarks about Lord Rama, accusing him of being a meat eater. He issued a warning to Zee Studios, the production banner, insisting on the immediate removal of the film from Netflix. Responding to the controversy, Zee Studios apologized to VHP and withdrew the title from Netflix.
Nayanthara’s fans are now left wondering if Netflix will introduce a modified version of “Annapoorani.” The decision rests with the filmmakers. Stay tuned to our website for the latest updates on the evolving landscape of OTT.