Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming movie “OG” produced by the DVV banner, has been keeping fans excited with regular updates. The Power Star has been actively sharing shooting updates and stills from the location, delighting his fans. However, due to Pawan Kalyan’s current involvement in elections, the film’s shooting has taken a back seat, and DVV’s Twitter handle has also become inactive.
Recently, rumors started circulating that the movie “OG” had switched from DVV to People’s Media. With no response from the DVV Twitter handle, these rumors gained traction, leading to speculations about potential issues between Pawan Kalyan and the production company.
Putting a halt to these rumors, DVV clarified through a tweet that “OG” is still under their production. The tweet emphasized that the movie belongs to them and will continue to do so. DVV expressed gratitude to Pawan Kalyan and assured fans that they have a clear vision for the film’s direction, dispelling any doubts about a rift between the actor and the production company.
The tweet stated OG is ours. it will be ours forever. we have complete clarity about how Pawan Kalyan’s film is going to be. We are moving towards that. Always grateful to him. The hunger lasts for a long time, but the cheetah makes it clear that nothing will be left behind once it starts hunting,” effectively putting an end to the circulating rumors.
The shooting of “OG” has already taken place in locations like Mumbai, Pune, and Hyderabad. Shriya Reddy has also participated in the shooting, and actor Venkat, making a return to Telugu cinema after a long gap, has expressed that the film will be groundbreaking and change the course of Tollywood. With Sujith scouting locations “OG” is expected to resume immediately after the Andhra Pradesh elections.