People have been guessing about the title of Ram Charan‘s new movie, which Buchi Babu Sana is directing. Some news stories said the makers might call it “Peddi.” The movie doesn’t have an official name yet so people are calling it “#RC16” for now. But the folks at Mythri Movie Makers, who are making the film, don’t agree with what’s being said.
According to these sources, the production team is seeking a title with pan-India appeal. They believe that “Peddi” may not resonate well with audiences in northern parts of the country.
Though they’re calling it “Peddi” for now, the team wants to find a new name that shows how popular Ram Charan is all over the world. They’re trying to pick a title that lots of different people will like, since they think the movie could be a hit in many places.
While this is happening, Buchi Babu (the director) and Ratnavelu (the guy in charge of how the movie looks) are teaming up with AR Rahman, a well-known composer, to work on the music. Word on the street is that Rahman has already come up with three awesome tunes for the film.