Priyamani’s Bhamakalapam, a gripping crime comedy thriller released on Aha in 2022, exceeded expectations and captivated the audience. Despite its initial low profile, the film garnered praise as an entertaining thriller. Now, the creators are gearing up for Bhamakalapam 2, with Abhimanyu, the director of the first installment, at the helm.
In this sequel, Anupama (played by Priyamani), a YouTuber specializing in cooking content, uses her earnings to start a hotel. Her aspirations lead her to aim for victory in Cooking Idol 2023, a prestigious culinary competition where the winner is awarded a golden rooster. However, Anupama finds herself entangled in a significant predicament, forcing her into a heist. The details of this predicament and how Anupama navigates through it will unfold on February 16th.
The trailer suggests that the central theme of part 2 mirrors that of the first installment, but with added dimensions that promise a grander experience. Notably, Priyamani will showcase her skills in action sequences in this sequel. Sharanya Pradeep, instrumental in helping Anupama overcome challenges in the first part, plays a pivotal role once again.
Bhamakalapam 2 also features Seerat Kapoor, Brahmaji, Raghu Mukherjee, and other talented actors in key roles. The film is produced by Bapineedu B and Sudheer Edar under the Dream Farmers banner in collaboration with Aha. Prasanth R Vihari has composed the music.