The much-anticipated collaboration between Mahesh Babu and director Rajamouli is set to materialize soon, marking a significant moment for fans. Rajamouli, known for his grandeur and storytelling prowess, has already commenced preparations for the upcoming film. Adding an international flavor to the project, the director has cast Indonesian actress Chelsea Islan in a key role, underlining the film’s global appeal.
In a recent development, Rajamouli is gearing up for a trip to Mumbai, where he plans to meet several Hindi actors for potential roles in the film. With aspirations to create an action drama of international stature, the director is keen on bringing together a diverse cast of stars from across the globe.
Mahesh Babu, the lead in this venture, is expected to showcase a beefed-up look, setting the stage for an intense and captivating performance. The musical score for the film will be crafted by the acclaimed MM Keeravani, adding another layer of anticipation for this ambitious project.
Meanwhile, Mahesh is actively engaged in promoting his upcoming release, ‘Guntur Kaaram,’ slated for a Sankranthi special on January 12. As the collaboration with Rajamouli unfolds, fans eagerly await more updates on this cinematic extravaganza that promises to transcend boundaries and deliver a truly global experience. Stay tuned for further developments on this exciting journey.