Renowned superstar Rajinikanth, whose popularity transcends language barriers, is set to captivate audiences once again with the release of his movie “Laal Salaam” in theaters on February 9. Directed by Aishwarya Rajinikanth, the film has generated high expectations, despite Rajinikanth playing a guest role that lasts only half an hour.
Rumors about Rajinikanth’s remuneration for this brief yet impactful role have created a buzz. Portraying the character of Moideen Bhai, Rajinikanth is said to have received a staggering 40 crore rupees for his contribution, leaving fans in awe of his star power.
While some express surprise at the substantial remuneration for a short role, others applaud Rajinikanth’s greatness for commanding such a figure. Fans eagerly anticipate more significant successes in the future, as reports suggest Rajinikanth is gearing up to announce exciting new projects, further expanding his impressive range.
Comments from netizens highlight Rajinikanth’s ability to maintain success even in his senior years, with calls for him to take on projects that elevate him to the next level. As admiration for Rajinikanth continues to grow, the question remains whether he will continue to shake the industry with his future endeavors.