Superstar Rajinikanth is set to make a striking appearance in his daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s latest directorial venture, “Lal Salaam.” While the film was initially slated for a Sankranthi release, it faced a mysterious delay, now rescheduled for February 9.
The unexpected twist comes as “Lal Salaam” gears up to go head-to-head with Ravi Teja’s much-anticipated “Eagle” in the Telugu market. Ravi Teja had strategically aimed for a solo release on February 9, relinquishing the Sankranthi slot.
Rajinikanth’s extended guest role in “Lal Salaam” adds a surprising element to the clash. Although not a lead role, the Superstar’s presence is sure to create ripples and offer a unique competitive edge.
The film’s postponement raised eyebrows, with fans eagerly awaiting its release. The official announcement of the new release date, February 9, has intensified the anticipation surrounding “Lal Salaam.”
While “Eagle” might have thought it secured an uncontested release, the unforeseen entry of Rajinikanth into the competition has injected a fresh wave of excitement into the battle of the box office.
Despite “Lal Salaam” not positioning Rajinikanth in a lead role, the aura of the megastar is expected to draw attention and potentially impact the film’s reception. The clash between these two highly anticipated releases is now poised to be a thrilling showdown in the Telugu cinema landscape.
As audiences gear up for this unexpected clash, the industry is abuzz with speculation about the impact of Rajinikanth’s guest role in “Lal Salaam” on its box office performance. Will the Superstar’s presence tip the scales, or will Ravi Teja’s “Eagle” soar higher in this unexpected duel? February 9 promises to be a day of cinematic fireworks as these two films vie for audience attention and box office supremacy.