Lal Salaam movie trailer: In Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s directorial venture, Lal Salaam, Superstar Rajinikanth assumes a special role alongside lead actors Vishnu Vishal and Vikrant. The Telugu trailer, released today, offers a sneak peek into the narrative, revolving around communal tensions between Hindus and Muslims. Rajinikanth’s character, Moideen Bhai, emerges as an influential figure attempting to bring resolution through a Cricket tournament. Vishnu Vishal, aspiring to become a cricketer, faces challenges as his penchant for getting into fights lands him in trouble.
The trailer hints at how Moideen Bhai (Rajinikanth) plays a pivotal role in resolving the communal conflicts and fostering harmony. With former Indian captain Kapil Dev also making a special appearance, Lal Salaam, set for a theatrical release this Friday in multiple languages, promises a compelling storyline where Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth take the spotlight, while Rajinikanth’s character shapes the narrative’s trajectory.