This Sankranti is set to be a cinematic treat for Telugu movie enthusiasts, featuring a star-studded lineup including Mahesh Babu, Nagarjuna, Venkatesh, and the promising Teja Sajja. Amid the excitement, Teja Sajja expresses readiness for a head-to-head competition, even as ‘Ayalaan,’ the movie with an extraterrestrial storyline, adds to the intrigue with its recently unveiled trailer. Get ready for an exciting feast for moviegoers this Sankranti!
In the bustling landscape of Sankranti releases, not only are four original Telugu films hitting the screens, but also numerous dubbed films have announced their dates. Among them is the Tamil film ‘Ayalan,’ scheduled for release on January 12. While the clarity regarding its Telugu release remains uncertain, the latest trailer has already created a buzz. Starring Sivakarthikeyan, the film promises a blend of comedy and an unconventional narrative involving interactions with an alien.
The story unfolds in a remote village where the life of a cheerful young man (played by Sivakarthikeyan) takes a fascinating turn with the arrival of an alien. This extraterrestrial being, with the alias Accham, communicates like a human, initially instilling fear but eventually forming a bond with the protagonist. However, the alien’s purpose becomes clear – it is on a mission to thwart a villain who poses a threat to the world. The hero, now aware of the impending danger, takes on the responsibility of stopping the destructive plans. The ensuing events form the crux of the narrative in ‘Ayalan.’
While the trailer offers glimpses of the film’s unique narrative, keen-eyed viewers may discern shades reminiscent of Hrithik Roshan’s ‘Koi Mil Gaya.’ Despite this, the trailer showcases a promising blend of comedy and impressive graphics, sparking anticipation among audiences. The question of whether ‘Ayalan’ will see a simultaneous release in both Tamil and Telugu on January 12 remains unanswered, adding an element of suspense to the film’s pre-release buzz. There is also speculation about a potential one-week delay in the Telugu release, leaving fans eagerly awaiting further announcements.
In the dynamic landscape of Sankranti releases, the clash of these diverse films is set to offer audiences a varied cinematic experience. With star power, unconventional storylines, and the element of suspense surrounding releases, this Sankranti promises to be a thrilling chapter in the journey of Telugu cinema. As fans eagerly await the curtain to rise on these cinematic offerings, the buzz around the films is sure to escalate in the days leading up to the grand release on January 12.