Siddhu Jonnalagadda, the rising star in Tollywood, is embarking on an exciting journey with three projects in his pipeline. One of these projects is a film helmed by Bommarillu Bhaskar, known as #SVCC37, which recently commenced with a puja ceremony. The film, tentatively titled ‘Jack,’ is set to be a rapid-paced venture, featuring Siddhu in a captivating role, complemented by the talented Vaishnavi Chaitanya as the leading lady.
Vaishnavi portrays the character of a Muslim girl, adding depth to the narrative. The unveiled first look poster has already garnered positive reactions, promising a fresh and impressive on-screen pairing. Bommarillu Bhaskar, known for his unique storytelling, aims to deliver another hit, building on the success of ‘Most Eligible Bachelor.’
Produced by BVSN Prasad under the SVCC banner, ‘Jack‘ holds high expectations, and fans eagerly anticipate Siddhu’s performances in this film and other upcoming projects like ‘Tillu Square’ and ‘Kana Kada.’ The stylish Neeraja Kona directs the film ‘Telusu Kada,’ adding to the diverse and promising lineup of Siddhu Jonnalagadda.