Teja Sajja and director Prasanth Varma reunite for their second collaboration, the PAN-Indian superhero film “HanuMan,” following the success of their hit movie “Zombie Reddy.” After days of anticipation, the film is set to hit screens on January 12th, coinciding with the release of Mahesh Babu’s “Guntur Kaaram.”
The latest update reveals that “HanuMan” will have a runtime of 158 minutes (2 hours and 38 minutes). Since the release of the teaser, the film has become a hot topic, and the recently unveiled trailer has only intensified curiosity, particularly regarding the visuals of Lord Hanuman. Fans and neutral audiences alike are eagerly anticipating this aspect.
With the makers expressing confidence in the film’s output, the focus now shifts to how “HanuMan” will perform at the box office. Produced by Niranjan Reddy under the Prime Show Entertainment banner, the movie also stars young actress Amritha Aiyer and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in prominent roles, with Vinay Rai portraying the nemesis of Teja Sajja. Stay tuned for the verdict at the ticket windows.