Veteran actor Victory Venkatesh, currently immersed in the promotions of his upcoming film “Saindhav,” directed by Sailesh Kolanu of the HIT franchise, expressed his eagerness to collaborate with Megastar Chiranjeevi. During the theatrical trailer launch event, Venkatesh shared his enthusiasm, stating, “I am looking forward to collaborating with him.
We always wanted to work together. But for that to happen, we need a good story. If writers can come up with some nice stories, we will definitely collaborate. I always imagine him (Chiranjeevi) playing an authoritative person who would order me to do things.” The prospect of a collaboration between Venky and Chiru holds tremendous excitement, given their massive fan base among family audiences.
If this collaboration materializes, it is sure to set the box office on fire. As “Saindhav” gears up for its release on January 13th, Megastar Chiranjeevi is set to enthrall audiences in his next venture, a fantasy drama directed by Vasshista. The anticipation for a potential collaboration between these two stalwarts is undoubtedly creating a buzz in the industry.