Veteran actor Venkatesh is eagerly counting down the days until the release of his much-anticipated 75th film, “Saindhav,” directed by Sailesh Kolanu under the banner of Niharika Entertainment. Despite the significant milestone, Venkatesh remains grounded, asserting that the pressure of the 75th film doesn’t affect his approach, as he consistently puts in the same sincere efforts for each project. He emphasizes the importance of hard work in every film, considering 75 as just a number and emphasizing that there is still a long journey ahead.
Venkatesh expresses a particular fondness for the father-daughter sentiment woven into the narrative of “Saindhav.” He hints at emotional yet natural action sequences that play a crucial role in advancing the storyline. The film’s fast-paced nature and unique world-building in the fictional town of Indraprastha add to its appeal. Working with director Sailesh Kolanu, according to Venkatesh, has been a great experience, with the filmmaker bringing a distinct vision to the project.
Delving into the specifics of “Saindhav,” Venkatesh teases that the story is incredibly unique, and Sailesh Kolanu has designed the climax sequence in an extraordinary manner, promising audiences an engaging cinematic experience. He commends Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s versatility as an actor, appreciating his ability to infuse a distinct style into every scene.
As for his future endeavors, Venkatesh discloses that he has listened to 2-3 stories but is yet to make a final decision on his next project. The seasoned actor remains open to diverse opportunities, emphasizing that his journey in the world of cinema continues with the same passion and commitment.