The much-anticipated theatrical trailer of ‘Saindhav‘ was unveiled, intensifying excitement among audiences. Victory Venkatesh’s gripping action sequences have garnered widespread appreciation. Directed by Sailesh Kolanu, known for the HIT franchise, the film revolves around a father’s quest to rescue his daughter.
Having successfully cleared censor formalities with a U/A certificate, ‘Saindhav’ is confirmed to run for 140 minutes (2 hours and 20 minutes), an ideal duration for an action thriller. The concise runtime allows for additional screenings in theaters, especially if the film receives positive reviews.
The film marks the Telugu debut of versatile actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, adding another layer of anticipation. The ensemble cast includes Shraddha Srinath, Ruhani Sharma, Andrea Jeremiah, Arya, Mukesh Rishi, Jisshu Sengupta, and more, portraying crucial roles. Produced by Venkat Boyanapalli under Niharika Entertainment, the movie features music by Santosh Narayanan.