Mahi V Raghav’s upcoming film, “Yatra 2,” a sequel to his 2019 release, is slated for release on February 8th. Unlike conventional entertainers, this film is rich in political references and agendas, portraying the life of Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jaganmohan Reddy following the demise of YS Rajasekhara Reddy. It delves into his impactful Padayatra against the wishes of the Congress high command. With upcoming elections in AP, YSRCP supporters are anticipating the film with great expectations.
With an extensive budget of 50Cr, a significant portion has been allocated to the remunerations of actors such as Mammooty, Jeeva, Mahesh Manjrekar, and the rest of the crew. While the possibility of recovering this massive budget may be uncertain, it is viewed not as a loss but rather as a venture benefiting the YSRCP. Supporters are likely to consider themselves indirectly involved in the film’s success, as it aligns with their cause. For Yatra 2, the focus is not merely on numbers but on reaching a maximum audience.
The narrative of Yatra 2 revolves around Jaganmohan Reddy, who assumes his father’s responsibilities after a tragic death, facing relentless challenges from adversaries. This sentimental, slow-burn Telugu drama, based on real events, includes brief sequences depicting police brutality. The film boasts a runtime of 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 8 seconds, promising an impactful and emotionally charged cinematic experience.