In the heart of San Jose, California, Tophus Trading, a beloved store catering to Pokemon enthusiasts, faced an unexpected setback in the form of a peculiar theft. On a quiet Wednesday at 2:00 AM, three audacious thieves orchestrated a break-in, seizing the opportunity to pilfer 35,000 Pokemon cards of various types. The entire incident was caught on the store’s CCTV cameras.
The thieves, displaying an apparent lack of expertise in the world of Pokemon, were cleverly observed by store manager Amy Simpson. One of the culprits went to great lengths, literally crawling on the floor to evade the watchful eyes of sensors. However, an unresponsive alarm system allowed them to carry out their caper undetected.
Simpson, quick-witted and resourceful, shared a video of the incident on Instagram, injecting a touch of humor by incorporating sound effects and graphics. The light-hearted take on the situation aimed to turn a potentially distressing event into an amusing anecdote for the store’s community.
Remarkably, the thieves, unbeknownst to them, missed out on a significant collection of special cards that the store was set to release in just two days. This annual event, eagerly anticipated by loyal customers, remained untouched amid the overnight heist.
Despite the swift arrival of the police, the thieves managed to abscond with both the extensive card collection and some cash. The audacity of the criminals was further highlighted by their entry through a side door, obstructed by a refrigerator, suggesting that the theft was not meticulously planned.
While the stolen cards and money were deemed valuable, Simpson’s humorous Instagram post went viral, resonating with a broader audience. The video not only served as a creative outlet for Simpson but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among Pokemon enthusiasts who found solace in the midst of an unexpected and whimsical store incident.