The upcoming London Mayoral election, scheduled for May 2, is witnessing an expanded field of candidates challenging the incumbent, Sadiq Khan. Among them are two independent Indian-origin entrepreneurs, Tarun Ghulati and Shyam Batra. Ghulati, a 63-year-old businessman, initiated his mayoral campaign during a visit to India last year, emphasizing his independent stance to encourage a free flow of ideas and policies without party biases. He aims to involve the people in decision-making and prioritizes issues such as safety, mobility, community strength, and championing London.
Shyam Batra, the latest entrant at 62, is a UK-born property entrepreneur and founder of a financial business focused on affordable property ownership. He shares concerns about the current state of the city, expressing commitment to overcoming challenges and restoring London to its rightful place.
Both candidates highlight the importance of their Indian roots, with Ghulati launching his campaign in India to seek blessings and emphasizing his connection to both India and London. The official nominations for the mayoral candidates take place in March, with the final list announced on April 2, a month before the election. Other contenders challenging Sadiq Khan include representatives from the Conservative Party, Liberal Democrats, Green Party, and several independent candidates. The election is gaining attention as the candidates present their visions for London’s future.