In a significant turn of events, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has intensified its efforts to unravel the intricate web surrounding the attacks on Indian Embassies orchestrated by supporters of Khalistan separatist leader Amritpal Singh. The incidents, which initially sparked in March and reverberated across the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, have prompted an aggressive pursuit by the NIA.
The agitation by Khalistan sympathizers reached its zenith on March 18 when pro-Khalistan activists in San Francisco attempted to set the Indian Consulate ablaze. Under the cover of darkness, these individuals breached the premises, escalating tensions in the region. A similar, unsettling incident unfolded on July 1, as protestors once again targeted the Indian Consulate, further intensifying concerns and prompting a robust response from the NIA.
In the UK, supporters of Khalistan took to the streets, staging protests in front of the Indian Embassy in London. The situation took a disconcerting turn as individuals attempted to disrespect the national flag, leading to heightened tensions between India and the UK. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the NIA registered a case on June 16, citing charges under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, and the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act.
The investigation, spanning across continents, saw an NIA team visiting San Francisco to collect crucial evidence. Simultaneously, searches were conducted at 15 locations in the Indian states of Punjab and Haryana. Operating under a mutual legal assistance agreement, the NIA sought evidence from US authorities on November 14, emphasizing the collaborative efforts to address transnational challenges.
Utilizing advanced investigative techniques, the NIA identified 43 suspects involved in these orchestrated attacks, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. Employing crowd-sourced information from CCTV footage, the agency pinpointed the faces of 45 individuals, releasing images of 10 accused on September 21 specifically related to the consulate attack and vandalism.
The relentless pursuit by the NIA underscores the commitment to justice and the protection of diplomatic missions. As the investigation unfolds, the agency remains steadfast in its objective to bring the perpetrators to justice and shed light on the motives behind these attacks, contributing to the broader understanding of the complex dynamics surrounding Khalistan-related activities on an international scale.