In a recent diplomatic development, tensions arose between India and the Maldives as ministers and leaders from the Maldives posted derogatory remarks against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The controversy began when PM Modi shared photos and videos from his visit to Lakshadweep, showcasing activities like snorkeling. The posts went viral, with social media users suggesting Lakshadweep as an alternative tourist destination to the Maldives. In response, the Maldivian government distanced itself from the derogatory remarks, emphasizing that they were personal opinions and did not represent the government’s views.
The Maldives called for the exercise of freedom of expression in a democratic and responsible manner, urging against the spread of hatred and negativity that could hinder the close relationships between the Maldives and its international partners. The statement followed widespread outrage within the Maldives, with opposition leaders and prominent figures condemning the offensive language used against India, its “closest neighbour.” Former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed characterized the remarks as “appalling” and called on President Mohamed Muizzu’s government to disassociate itself from such comments.
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb also strongly condemned the derogatory and racist comments made by some Maldivian politicians. This internal criticism underscores the divisiveness of the remarks within the Maldives itself.
This incident serves as a reassurance to India amid a diplomatic tussle with the island nation. The strained ties between the two countries escalated after President Mohamed Muizzu took office, pledging to remove a small contingent of around 75 Indian military personnel from the Maldives and modify the country’s “India first” policy. Unlike his predecessors, Muizzu chose Turkey as his first international port of call, signaling a departure from the tradition of visiting India first after being elected. He later met PM Modi in the UAE on the sidelines of COP28, where discussions included the establishment of a core group to address the withdrawal of Indian troops.
The strained relationship is a departure from historical norms, with Indian personnel traditionally playing a key role in operating three gifted aircraft patrolling the maritime territory of the Maldives. The geographical similarities between Lakshadweep and the Maldives, both featuring low-lying islands, reefs, and pristine beaches, have contributed to the recent tensions. The Eight Degree Channel separates the two destinations, emphasizing the need for diplomatic resolution and cooperation to address differences and maintain stability in the region.