Bhuma Akhila Priya: The Bhuma family aimed to assert its dominance at the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) rally, “Raa Kadali Raa,” held in Allagadda, Nandyal district, and addressed by party president and former Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu. However, internal rivalries within the party threatened to overshadow the event.
Initially, Naidu sought the involvement of senior party leader A V Subba Reddy to organize the rally. Attempting to garner support even from other constituencies, Naidu faced resistance from former minister Bhuma Akhila Priya and her family. They insisted on their non-participation if Subba Reddy was involved.
Recognizing the significance of the Bhuma family’s support, Naidu, in a strategic move, requested Subba Reddy to refrain from the Allagadda rally, and Subba Reddy complied. This decision left Akhila Priya in the spotlight, demonstrating her influence during the meeting.
The internal feud between Subba Reddy and Akhila Priya, which has persisted since the death of Bhuma Nagi Reddy four years ago, has escalated as elections draw near, posing a challenge for Naidu.
These recent developments are an extension of the physical altercation between Akhila Priya and Subba Reddy during Nara Lokesh’s Yuvagalam program in Nandyal in May. Subsequently, Akhila Priya and her husband Bhargava Ram were arrested, leading to their remand.
The prolonged family disputes between Akhila Priya and Subba Reddy have cast a shadow over the party’s electoral prospects in the region. With the internal rivalries taking center stage, local leaders are left in shock, realizing the potential impact on the upcoming elections. As the TDP navigates through internal strife, Naidu faces the challenge of reconciling differences and maintaining party cohesion to ensure a strong electoral performance in the region.