TDP supremo N Chandrababu Naidu, along with his wife Nara Bhuvaneswari, is gearing up for an extensive mass outreach. Kicking off on January 5, Bhuvaneswari will resume her ‘Nijam Gelavali Yatra’ on Wednesday. Simultaneously, Naidu will embark on a state-wide tour, titled ‘Raa-Kadaliraa,’ starting Friday, addressing public meetings in 22 Lok Sabha constituencies until January 29. TDP general secretary Nara Lokesh is set to engage with neutral voters through door-to-door visits in Mangalagiri.
As part of the ‘Raa-Kadaliraa’ initiative, Naidu will conduct massive public meetings, some jointly organized with the Jana Sena Party. Pawan Kalyan, the JSP chief, will join Naidu in selected meetings. Before the state tour, Naidu will participate in a meeting with the AP Sarpanches Association and the AP Panchayat Raj Chamber on Wednesday. Thursday will witness the Jayaho BC program at the party headquarters, led by Naidu, creating awareness among the backward classes about the perceived deception by the YSRC government.
Nara Bhuvaneswari ‘Nijam Gelavali Yatra’ will span three days, covering Vizianagaram, Srikakulam, and Visakhapatnam districts. During the yatra, she plans to console the families of 15 party activists who, distressed by Naidu’s arrest in the AP State Skill Development Corporation case, tragically lost their lives. The journey will encompass eight Assembly constituencies across the three districts. The TDP leadership aims to use these outreach programs to highlight their perspective on the political landscape and connect with people at various levels.