Chandrababu reacts on roja: In an unexpected turn of events, YCP MLA Roja, renowned for her relentless verbal attacks on Chandra Babu, Lokesh, and Pawan Kalyan, found herself on the receiving end as Chandra Babu targeted her in a recent public meeting. This marked a departure from the norm, as Roja is typically the one launching provocative remarks against YCP’s political opponents.
Chandra Babu seized the opportunity to mock Roja over a viral video clip capturing her dancing in a Bengaluru pub on New Year’s Eve. He expressed irony in witnessing someone like Roja, engaged in club and pub activities, speak about women empowerment. The public, quick to grasp the satire, cheered loudly, signaling their appreciation for this unconventional approach.
Babu continued his criticism, emphasizing that the YCP government’s primary focus has not been public welfare but rather unwarranted attacks and power abuse directed at himself, Pawan Kalyan, and even the common public. Notably, Chandra Babu, known for avoiding direct confrontations with Roja and others, broke from his usual stance to deliver a satirical remark, earning a positive reception from the audience.
This departure from Babu’s typical strategy introduced a new dynamic to the political narrative and showcased a different facet of the seasoned leader. The public’s enthusiastic response suggests that they enjoyed this unconventional approach, adding an interesting twist to the ongoing political discourse.