AP Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy exhibits an unyielding demeanor, often displaying a readiness to take decisive measures to assert control over members of his party. This assertiveness was recently demonstrated in the case of four YCP MLAs and two MLCs who crossed the boundaries set by the Chief Minister.
The YSRCP has formally lodged requests with the AP Assembly Speaker and Legislative Council, urging swift action to disqualify YCP MLAs Anam Ramnarayana Reddy, Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy, Mekapati Chandrasekhar Reddy, and Undavalli Sridevi, as well as the two MLCs Vamsi Krishna Yadav and C Ramachandraiah.
These public representatives chose to part ways with the YCP, aligning themselves with the TDP and JSP. In response, an aggrieved Jagan has taken the route of legislative measures, calling for their immediate disqualification.